project Portfolio
The existing metal roof at Sweet Earth Foods in Moss Landing, CA was leaking from seams missing screws.
Sweet Earth Foods was experiencing leaks through the seams and screws when it rained, ruining equipment
and food production. As a result, they were constantly spending money on maintenance. Tearing off the entire
roof and replacing it would be very costly. Another concern the client had was the disruption the tear off
would cause at the facility.
Sweet Earth Foods opted for the ASC X 15 system, which was applied directly to the existing roof. The skylights and penetrations that were leaking were three coursed. ASC X was applied at 3 gallon per 100 square feet, creating a monolithic waterproofing membrane over the entire roof. This helped save on expensive removal and disposal costs. The system was also applied without any disturbance to the building occupants.
Sweet Earth Foods has a watertight system that is seamless. The flexible substrate withstands movements of
the metal underneath. Since completion, there have been no leaks reported. The coating has kept its white color very nicely, especially since the surrounding area is all farming grounds that raise tons of dust into the air. The ASC X systems includes a 15- year material and labor warranty.

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